Cookie Consent
Popup Generator
Ensure compliance with privacy regulations and enhance user experience.
Design accessible cookie consent popups that clearly communicate your cookie policies.
Create Now
1. Choose Display Style
2. Choose Palette
3. Choose Border Style
4. Choose Box Shadow
Soft Glow
Sharp Shadow
5. Choose Font
Open Sans
6. Customize Your Content
How to Create Free Cookie Consent Widget For Your Website?
Choose Widget Type
Select between a banner or floating widget style.
Customize Visual Styling
Personalize appearance by selecting custom colors, adjusting shadow effects & more.
Configure Consent Message
Add links to privacy policy, and define the message.
Generate Deployment Code
Add the code to your website.
Fully Customizable for Your Brand
This tool offers complete flexibility to make your cookie consent banner align perfectly with your brand. You can customize the text, adjust colors, and style the buttons to match your website’s aesthetic.
Add links to your privacy policy or any relevant pages, ensuring transparency and a professional look that builds trust with your audience.
Lightweight and Easy to Implement
The Cookie Consent Generator creates lightweight and optimized code for your consent banner.
There’s no need for bulky third-party scripts—simply generate the code and paste it into the <head> section of your website.
Floating Box or Banner
Whether you prefer a traditional banner that sits at the top or bottom of the screen or a subtle floating box on the side, this tool gives you the flexibility to choose.