Bento - Poper Integrations

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Effortlessly enhance your website's engagement and conversion rates with seamless Poper and Bento integration.

Bento + Poper Integration
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About Bento Integration

Poper teams up with Bento, a powerful email marketing platform, to provide a seamless and efficient solution for capturing and nurturing leads. Using Poper’s AI-driven, customizable popups, businesses can engage website visitors and gather essential contact information effortlessly.

These captured leads are then smoothly transferred to Bento, where businesses can leverage Bento's automation and email marketing capabilities to send targeted communications, such as newsletters, promotional offers, e-books, and course enrollments.

Together, Poper and Bento help businesses boost engagement, drive conversions, and cultivate lasting customer relationships.

Use Cases

Welcome New Visitors with Personalized Messages

Use Poper to create personalized welcome popups for new visitors. Capture their information and seamlessly transfer it to Bento, where you can set up automation to send a warm welcome email, guiding them through your offerings.

Capture Exit-Intent Leads

Deploy exit-intent popups through Poper to capture leads just before they leave your site. Offer special deals or incentive content that encourages them to subscribe. These leads are automatically integrated into Bento for tailored follow-up emails.

Engage Visitors with Time-Delayed Offers

Set up time-delayed popups with Poper to display special offers or promotions after visitors spend a certain time on your site. Capture their details and add them to Bento for follow-up marketing campaigns, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

Grow Your Email List with Subscription Incentives

Offer enticing incentives like discounts, exclusive content, or e-books through well-timed popups. These leads are instantly added to your Bento email list, where you can nurture them through automated email sequences to convert them into loyal customers.

Recover Abandoned Carts

Use Poper's popups to remind visitors of items left in their cart, offering incentives to complete their purchase. The captured leads are transferred to Bento, where you can send automated emails to encourage the completion of the checkout process.

Promote Upcoming Events and Courses

Capture leads through Poper popups promoting your upcoming webinars, events, or courses. These leads are synced with Bento, allowing you to send automated reminders, resources, and follow-up emails to keep your audience engaged and informed.