ConvertKit - Poper Integrations

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Effortlessly enhance your website's engagement and conversion rates with seamless Poper and ConvertKit integration.

ConvertKit + Poper Integration
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About ConvertKit Integration

Combine the AI-driven power of Poper with the email marketing excellence of ConvertKit for a fully optimized lead generation and nurturing process. Poper allows you to engage visitors with intelligent and personalized popups to capture leads effectively.

Those captured leads are seamlessly sent to ConvertKit, where they can be managed, segmented, and nurtured through automated email sequences.

The integration allows you to create targeted campaigns including newsletters, discounts, eBooks, courses, and more, ensuring that your engagement with users is not only immediate but also sustained and personalized, driving higher conversions and retention rates.

Use Cases

Welcome New Visitors with Personalized Greetings

Use Poper to greet new visitors with engaging welcome messages and capture their information. These leads will be automatically added to your ConvertKit email list for personalized welcome email sequences.

Capture Leads with Exit-Intent Offers

Deploy exit-intent popups through Poper to capture visitors about to leave your site. Offering special deals or content through these popups can encourage visitors to stay or subscribe, with leads being seamlessly integrated into ConvertKit for follow-up emails and offers.

Download E-book Popups

Promote your eBook by using Poper to display relevant popups. When visitors opt-in to download, their details are sent to ConvertKit, triggering an automated email sequence to deliver the eBook and further engage the reader.

Offer Sales and Discounts

Use Poper to create popups that offer sales and discount codes. Capture users' emails in turn, which are then sent to ConvertKit for a follow-up email chain that not only delivers the discount but encourages further purchases.

Capture Email Subscriptions for Newsletters

Encourage visitors to subscribe to your newsletter through well-timed popups created with Poper. These new subscriber emails are sent to ConvertKit, where they can be included in automated newsletter campaigns.

Promote Courses with Popups

Use Poper to engage visitors with popups promoting your courses. Captured leads are sent to ConvertKit, triggering an email sequence that delivers course information, enrollment details, and follow-up reminders to maximize conversions.