Selzy - Poper Integrations

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Effortlessly boost engagement and conversions by sending captured leads from Poper to Selzy for seamless email automation.

Selzy + Poper Integration
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About Selzy Integration

Integrating Poper with Selzy allows you to streamline your lead generation and email marketing processes, ensuring that every visitor engagement is optimized for conversion. Poper’s intelligent popup builder captures leads through highly personalized and engaging onsite interactions.

These leads are then automatically sent to Selzy, where you can manage, segment, and automate your email marketing campaigns. With Selzy, you can set up automated workflows to send newsletters, special offers, discount coupons, eBooks, online courses, and more.

This integration provides a powerful combination of intuitive lead capture and robust email marketing automation, helping businesses achieve their marketing goals effortlessly.

Use Cases

Welcome New Visitors with Automated Emails

Use Poper to greet new visitors with enticing welcome popups that capture their email addresses. These leads are then seamlessly sent to Selzy, where you can automate welcome emails to further engage and nurture new subscribers.

Retain Visitors with Exit-Intent Offers

Deploy exit-intent popups through Poper to capture leads from visitors about to leave your site. These leads are sent directly to Selzy, allowing you to automate follow-up emails with special offers or content designed to retain their interest.

Grow Your Subscriber Base with Special Incentives

Encourage visitors to subscribe to your newsletter by offering exclusive incentives such as discounts, eBooks, or special content. Poper captures these leads and sends them to Selzy, where you can automate the delivery of the promised incentives.

Enhance Reader Engagement with Content Recommendations

Show dynamic, scroll-triggered recommendations to users as they browse your site. Capture interested readers' emails and send these leads to Selzy, where you can automate the distribution of related content to keep them engaged.

Boost Sales with Timely Discount Offers

Deploy popups that encourage purchases by offering time-sensitive discount codes. Captured leads are sent to Selzy, allowing you to automate follow-up emails with the discount codes and drive conversions.

Automate Course Enrollment with Popups

Capture leads for your online courses through well-placed popups. Send these leads to Selzy, where you can automate course enrollment emails, informational sequences, and reminders to ensure a seamless sign-up experience.